Monday 19 September 2011

The actual learning and teaching - Principle Three

The third principle covers the planning and delivering of the curriculum. Here is the description for actual learning and teaching. What educational paradigm reigns here? There is an assumption of learning process - do you agree with it?

Principle Three: The curriculum is planned and delivered effectively through a variety of classroom activities. 
Supporting Statements
a.     Schemes of Work include agreed formats and are regularly updated to reflect current needs and objectives, accepted good practice and ideas from departmental reviews and discussions
b.     Each teaching unit of the curriculum is clearly linked to the relevant scheme of work with clearly stated learning outcomes and associated assessments.
c.     Students are aware of the learning outcomes of each teaching unit and the assessment methods to be used.
d.     Students are given opportunities to demonstrate their understandings in a variety of ways in as authentic a manner as possible.
e.     New information and understandings are linked to previous knowledge, within the subject and across the subject disciplines and, where appropriate, to the students’ wider world
f.      Teachers create opportunities for review and reflection
g.     Activities allow for timely and appropriate feedback.
h.     Teachers are aware of the three part lesson which has a starter activity, a main activity and a plenary although in some 45 minute lessons these may not be distinct features of all lessons.
i.      Teaching activities are sufficiently varied to enable students to learn in ways that are appropriate to their individual learning styles (VARK, gender, left/right brain, multiple intelligences, abstract/concrete, sequential/random learning preferences).
j.      Students are aware of their preferred learning style(s) and intelligence(s) and encouraged to develop their weaker style(s) and intelligence(s).
k.      Teachers are aware of current educational understanding on how students learn and theories of learning (including Constructivism, the Learning Pyramid and Bloom’s Taxonomy).
l.      Learning activities are designed to develop the processes demonstrated in Bloom’s Taxonomy (from recall through to evaluation), according to the age, maturity and readiness of the student.
m.   Teachers provide differentiated activities to support or challenge all students in their class.
n.     Teachers seek to develop students' self esteem and self confidence.

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